Choose to Make a Difference |
Dick Simpson's- "Winning Elections: A Handbook of Modern Participatory Politics":
Reform begins with each of us fighting campaigns in our own communities and winning our own victories. Many of your neighbors, co-workers, and people you have only met casually feel the same way you do about the need to reform politics and government. They are waiting for someone to take the first step.
I have chosen to take the first step. In the media buzz of the last
few weeks, I have heard from many people wanting to show their support
for me. Below are 7 things that each one of you can do to show your
support. You do not need to be powerful, wealthy, or in charge of
an organization to do any of these things. All you have to do is
choose to make a difference.
7 Ways You Can Help MELL MONROE
**Join the Fight for: Families, Education and Innovative Businesses in the 3rd Ward Community**
1. Contribute. If you can afford another $100 or $250, or more, this is what is needed most to compete against the old mindset or incumbent. You can do it online now at:
2 . Be a Leader. The campaign needs people who are willing to take the initiative and lead/organize the efforts of others on a precinct by precinct basis. In fact, volunteer to be a precinct leader in your building or on your block is sorely needed. Help with building relationships to get people to vote!
3. Volunteer in the Office. If you have two hours to spare, please contact Any time you can give would contribute to the success of our group to help with phone banks, follow up contacts to prospective voters and communications among our team.
4 . Get Six. Sign up for our new Donor Outreach Program. "Get Six for Mell" and bring six new donors into the campaign at any level, for a suggested minimum of $50 (the legal maximum of $1500 for those who do business with the City of Chicago). This is a great way to bring new people into the campaign. To sign up or for more information contact Sherralyn Peterson:
5. Send Family and
Friends Letters/E-mails, whether they live in the
ward or not. Bronzeville is in the Ward and has the richness
of land and available residential and commercial development
which means there are lots of potential for those who want to
invest or simply enjoy the amenities that could be organized
with the right kind of Aldermanic leadership. All you need to
do is tell people about my story, and that this campaign is important
to you. And if your family and friends live in the 3rd Ward,
ask if they are content with the current leadership. Remind them
to visit:
6. Hold a House Party,
Coffee or Fundraiser. A good rule of thumb is that
if you want 25 people to show up at your event, you need to invite
100 -- and follow up with phone calls (or a calling post broadcast)
to encourage them to attend. Since very few of us know 100 people
we can invite, it is important to ask others to "co-host" the
event. The preparations can be simple -- chips, dips and soda
-- but the event can have a huge impact. Contact Sherralyn Peterson
- for
a House Party Kit which offers more information and advice on
how to have a successful party.
7. Reach Out to Groups You are Involved In or Groups
in Your Area.
It will be critical that when friends and family join our efforts they will be linked to the larger groups of apartments, condos and community associations that have not considered becoming involved themselves- hence the slogan: Get Involved In Your Own Neighborhood Or Stop Complaining. As a member of these groups, who can find out meeting dates and times and see if an announcement about the campaign can be made. Important follow-up will entail the distribution of a sign-up sheet so those who are interested can obtain more information from you after the meeting. Likewise, it will be important that you ascertain how possible to post regular updates about the campaign to your group.
Imagine : the power of people in the 3rd Ward
finding the ways and taking the steps together to make the 3rd Ward
a safe, clean urban community where families and new businesses thrive,
and where all Chicagoans will seek out and want to live or visit.
What will make the difference between failure and success in
OUR community now depends on You Choosing to Make a Difference. Please
join in my efforts by supporting my candidacy. A New Voice for the
near Southside and its people. 7 Ways and -940 Weeks Away- You Choose!
Mell Monroe
Candidate for 3rd Ward Alderman
Good ideas to engage a real community.