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WE ALL KNOW THE PROBLEMS. Click to view Mell Monroe's
****1000-12-20 Business Plan for the 3rd Ward****
No Last Minute Big Announcements After 24 years.
No "Themes" sketched on Multiple Mailings &
Paid for by Outside Special Interests.
Just Good Ideas to Engage a Real Community.
Mell Monroe is the only candidate to present his Ideas
BEFORE you cast your vote on Tuesday. 

Mell Monroe is the Change the 3rd Ward Needs Now!

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Tillman shortchanges ward's infrastructure workWhat's At Stake on Election Day February 27?

Town Hall Meetings in our 3rd Ward have made apparent that current Leadership complacency in the midst of scandal have led to:  uneven and poorly planned development; massive displacement of long-term residents and official mistrust; and a failure to include and engage new residents to any degree.


The Ward’s north (South Loop) has experienced incredibly rapid development without real input from residents. From parking meter placement to building height limits, residents have no say.  In our south Englewood precincts and our western precincts of Fuller Park and Back-of-the-Yards, residents have been left to fend for themselves—stuck in nearly complete “food deserts” and no job opportunities—as they are forced to leave.  In our center, Bronzeville has continued to see property value gains without the benefit of safe and clean streets and stores with healthy food choices within walking distance.  The result is that the dollars that do exist in our community fail in their “double duty” of re-circulating and advancing our community.  Favored precincts receive the bulk of Ward infrastructure funds. The rest of our street corners flood at the drop of rain. 

This is the stagnant, ill-planned state of our historic Ward.  Our neighborhoods remain deliberately divided.  We can neither discuss our differences nor access our needs despite the presence of the monumental Harold Washington Cultural Center for such forums—it remains completely dark 90% of the time.  It must be asked what is the benefit of keeping voters and residents in the dark?  This is not the making of a Real 3rd Ward Community.  Where is the Community Business Model?

The 3rd Ward: Past and Present

Mell Monroe is the Change the 3rd Ward Needs Now!

This year, it is truly Time for a Change.  Other standing tall remain short on good ideas despite years involved in urban planning discussion. Just as 24 years of incumbency has not equaled success, Organizational experience, massive financial support from Special Interests and Planning Department connections do not guarantee Action and Success.  What matters is an ability to grasp the issues, make Independent decisions, a brand new political environment where payback is not the play of the day, and for the 3rd Ward to have an Alderman with a strong will and allegiance to always do the right thing for the People.  The goal after two terms is to have our community be the best in Chicago.

Corner of 47th and Prairie Avenue: TODAY

Mell Monroe's Vision for good jobs, retail options
and innovative housing

This is the reason Mell Monroe is running for 3rd Ward Alderman, and because there is a need to go back to transforming our Ward into a Real Community where residents can stay,  new residents continue to come, and all Chicagoans want to visit with enthusiasm.


What's At Stake on February 27, 2007

Mell Monroe for 3rd Ward Alderman
About Mell

Business As usual under a Hat and Patented Processes that have failed to work,


Elect a Strong Community Leader with a Community Business Model that engages all the people and moves the 3rd Ward towards 2011.

The Choice is Yours! It's Time for Something Better.

Old Leadership Problems

... over 2,500 vacant lots ...

... unsafe streets & joblessness ...

... disrespect for our history ...



...Alderman votes against residents earning a living wage…

Study blasts Tillman's use of taxpayer money
...involved in questionable real estate dealings and use of ward funds…

...Aldermanic voting record speaks for itself…


...Proposed Kroc Center for 3rd Ward Rejected by Alderman. $135 MIL inter-generational center lost...

Green line “el” station chaos


That’s what’s at Stake on February 27!  The choice is Yours!

Mell's Vision for the 3rd Ward
Mell's Community Business Model for the 3rd Ward
Mell's Commitment - Measurable Results


Help Mell run for Alderman
No more Machine Politics
No Special Interest Pay Backs
Ward Voters and Residents call the shots

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